
Actors in Belvoir productions usually rehearse for 5 weeks in the rehearsal room at Belvoir’s Administration and Production Warehouse at 18 Belvoir Street in Surry Hills. Rehearsals are from 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and sometimes on Saturdays towards the end of the rehearsal period. They then spend a sixth production week in technical rehearsals on stage in the Upstairs Theatre at Belvoir St Theatre. Belvoir productions in the upstairs and downstairs theatre are professional theatre productions – this means that actors, director and crew are paid for the both the rehearsal and performance period.

Performing Monologues

Performing Resources

Read an interview with actor Martin Csokas about his role in The Pillowman.

Past Belvoir productions to check out when looking for a monologue to perform:
Strange Interlude– Simon Stone after Eugene O’Neill (2012)
Thyestes– Mark Winter, Simon Stone, Thomas Henning & Chris Ryan (2012)

The Dark Room – Angela Betzien (2011)
Neighbourhood Watch – Lally Katz (2011)
The Seagull – Benedict Andrews after Chekhov (2011)
Windmill Baby – David Milroy (2011)
Cut – Duncan Graham (2011)

Diary of a Madman – Neil Armfield & Geoffrey Rush (2010)
Gwen in Purgatory – Tommy Murphy (2010)
Love Me Tender – Tom Holloway (2010)
That Face – Polly Stenham (2010)

The Promise – Alexei Arbuzov (2009)
Baghdad Wedding – Hassan Abdulrazak (2009)
Ruben Guthrie – Brendan Cowell (2009)

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf – Edward Albee (2007)
Toy Symphony – Michael Gow (2007)

The Seed – Kate Mulvany (2008)
Antigone, Burial at Thebes – Seamus Heaney (2008)
The Pillowman – Martin McDonagh (2008)

Places to start tracking down copies of scripts, also don’t forget to check out your local library.

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Performing Workshops

Are you a teacher looking for resources for your class?

Book a workshop with us. Performing, characterisation and monologue workshops available at Belvoir, your school or online.

Arrange a performance workshop introducing students to effective rehearsal techniques, acting methods and the tools available to a theatre performer.

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