September Subscriber Benefits

Our subscribers enjoy exclusive discounts.

You Know We Belong Together

Sydney Opera House, 6 – 10 September

Direct from Edinburgh International Festival, actor and presenter Julia Hales shares her story as a daughter, actor, dreamer and person with Down syndrome. She brings her 20 years of stage experience to amplify the voices of a community rarely seen on stage, in a joyful performance accompanied by video, dance and song.

Don’t miss this exclusive 2 for 1 offer to see the critically acclaimed play You Know We Belong Together.

Festival of Dangerous Ideas

Carriageworks, 17 – 18 Sep

Truth, trust, tech, tattoos, and taboos: Australia’s original disruptive festival, the Festival of Dangerous Ideas returns live and in-person to Carriageworks, Sydney 17–18 September.

To celebrate, we are giving away a double pass to Join the Rebellion, a panel with Jane Caro, Yasmin Poole, Kevin Roose, Alok Vaid-Menon and Osher Günsberg. To enter the draw, email [email protected] with the subject line Belvoir x FODI giveaway with your most rebellious idea. Entries close 9 Sept.