

Written by Maxim Gorky
Adapted & Directed by Eamon Flack

  • Venue Upstairs Theatre
  • Supported by
    • Nelson Meers Foundation

*** Given the unfolding situation with Covid-19 in Australia we have made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel Summerfolk and we will no longer be able to stage it as part of the 2020 season.

A coastal town, somewhere in Australia. Skeleton population in winter, swollen with the holiday crowd in summer. This particular bunch have been coming to their beach houses for years. They’ve got the money to enjoy themselves, they always have. Why should it be any different this year? Why should it ever change?

I love this play – its games of love and human foibles, its black sense of humour. It has a classic theatrical motor: a group of people who can’t get through a holiday without throwing a punch and smashing the mirror. But it’s also a big-picture play about us, how the hell we’ve ended up where we are… – Eamon Flack, Artistic Director

Supported by the Nelson Meers Foundation


Designer Mel Page
Lighting Designer Nick Schlieper
Composer & Sound Designer Clemence Williams
Stage Manager Luke McGettigan
Assistant Stage Manager Katie Moore


Mandela Mathia
Richard Pyros
Pamela Rabe
Toby Truslove

  • Running Times and Content Warnings

    Approximate running times of each production are uploaded to the production page as soon as that information becomes available. During the rehearsal period running times are liable to change given the extensive workshopping and development each production undergoes before it reaches the stage.

    Content warnings will also be uploaded to each production page as they are advised.

    Should you wish to speak to speak to a member of staff regarding running times, content warnings or any other show related queries, our box office can be contacted on 02 9699 3444.

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