
The Blind Giant
is Dancing

By Stephen Sewell
Director Eamon Flack

  • Venue Upstairs Theatre
  • Dates 13 February – 20 March 2016

Warning: this production contains the smoking of herbal cigarettes, a live gunshot, haze, loud industrial noises and political despair.

Brutality in the workplace, rage in the streets, seething in the home. The vulnerability of political parties when they’ve forgotten why they’re there. The intellectual torpor of modern Australia. How power corrupts.

Stephen Sewell’s play is an angry and tender depiction of an idealist who becomes so embroiled in a party power struggle that he loses sight of what’s at stake. When it premiered in 1983, The Blind Giant is Dancing felt like a sharp slap in the face. And in an age of ICAC, Union credit cards, speculative housing bubbles, a pulverised working class, vapid leadership… it’s definitely time for another look at this Australian classic.

Artistic Director Eamon Flack begins his tenure with a company of eleven of the country’s great actors and one of the country’s great plays.

Winner of the 1985 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award.


By Stephen Sewell
Director Eamon Flack
Set & Costume Designer Dale Ferguson
Lighting Designer Verity Hampson
Composer & Sound Designer Steve Toulmin
Fight Choreographer Scott Witt
Stage Manager Melanie Stanton
Assistant Stage Manager Grace Nye-Butler


Michael Denkha
Ivan Donato

Andrew Henry 
Emma Jackson
Russell Kiefel

Genevieve Lemon
Geoff Morrell
Zahra Newman

Dan Spielman
Yael Stone
Ben Wood

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