
In Our

By Nigel Jamieson, in association with the Al Abaddi Family
Directed by Nigel Jamieson

  • Venue Upstairs Theatre
  • Dates 22 Apr – 30 May 2004

Australia once seemed a tolerant country – we took pride in the rich mix of cultures that made up the soup, we were in line with the civilised world in helping and accepting into our embrace refugees who had escaped from horrors that few of us can imagine. When our government discovered that an election might be won by playing on the worst fear of an anxious electorate, the fear of difference, our country changed.

In Our Name is Company B’s response to this sad turn of history. Created by Nigel Jamieson, a visionary director of the 2000 Olympic Games Opening ceremony, All of Me and The Theft of Sita, In Our Name tells the true story of the Al Abaddi family: their escape from violent persecution in Iraq, their continuous displacement, their attempts to find a secure and peaceful home in Australia, and the three and a half years spent behind razor wire in Curtin, Port Hedland and Villawood.

It gives a voice to five year old Afnan, to fifteen year old Humam, to their mother and father; it reveals the courage, love and dignity with which these remarkable people have fought to remain a family.


By Nigel Jamieson, in association with the Al Abaddi Family
Directed by Nigel Jamieson
Set and Costume Design Stephen Curtis
Lighting Design Damien Cooper
Audio Visual Design Glen Yeoh
Sound Design Steve Francis
Original Paintings and Drawings Jafim & Humam Al Abaddi
Composer & Music Director Sandy Evans
Composer & Musician Hussain Samawi
Musician Davood A Tabrizi
Assistant Director Claudia Chidiac
Stage Manager Anna Kosky


Silvia Entcheva
Haydar Haydari
Ruchira Jagtap
Tiriel Mora
Isabelle Nicholas
Christopher Pitman
Majid Shokor
Saskia Smith

Production images by Heidrun Lohr

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