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Tues 11 June, 10AM
Wed 12 June, 10AM
Thurs 13 June, 10AM
Belvoir St Theatre Rehearsal Room

If an editor cuts scenes or celluloid, a script editor cuts what? Lines? Pages? Characters? In its second year FFS’ Platform expands its focus to include the underappreciated role of script editor in the creation of standout screen stories. Two playscripts from Belvoir fellows will be reworked over one week, supported by international development experts and four Australian script and story editors. Margins will culminate in a live table read of redeveloped works, tickets can be accessed via the Sydney Film Festival website.

In addition, For Film’s Sake and Belvoir are offering three interactive masterclasses to support better knowledge exchange between global experts and local writers, producers and directors. The focus will be on experiential immersion in global perspectives and approaches to creative development of screen based work. Each session is free but tickets must be booked below to secure a seat.

Platform: Margins Story Workshop

Harry Potter went from book to film, to play and soon a series. Mean Girls started as a film, became a musical and went back to become another (musical) film. Wecrashed went from a magazine article to a podcast to a series. Are we all doomed if we start with a screenplay or are there ways we can better understand how our ideas can best fit with the tastes and attention spans of our audience? A vital masterclass with BAFTA award-winning writer, playwright and author Robin Mukherjee.

When: Tuesday 11th June 10:00am – 12:30pm
Where: Belvoir Street Theatre Rehearsal Rooms

Platform: Margins Audience Workshop

“Global audience” is A-list festival premiere plus streamer acquisition equals all the eyeballs, right? But with many festivals on the rocks and film execs leaving in droves, where exactly is the audience and can they be reached? Having developed, programmed and exhibited some of the most successful and recognisable films of the last two decades, join global development expert Marten Rabarts (Binger Lab, EYE International, NZIFF) as he unpacks that the answer might be much closer to home.

When: Wednesday 12th June 10:00am – 12:30pm
Where: Belvoir Street Theatre Rehearsal Rooms

Platform: Margins Market Workshop

How much does an explosion cost? Why can a crowd scene turn a green light orange? What kind of characters might land you in development hell? Join UK producer of Netflix smash Top Boy and the 2023 Disney+ breakout Rye Lane Yvonne Ibazebo as she unpacks the hidden market meaning in your work and how to answer the essential questions before they are even asked. A must for writers wanting to work with producers or producers wanting to work with financiers.

When: Thursday 12th June 10:00am – 12:30pm
Where: Belvoir Street Theatre Rehearsal Rooms