HSC | Promotion & Program

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AT 16 MAR 24
1.00PM – 4.00PM (3 HOURS)
At Belvoir or
Online via Zoom
$65.00 per student
$100.00 per teacher (Booking fees apply)
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Introduction to Promotional Design

IP: Design (Promotion & Program)

Suitable for students commencing their HSC in Term Four 2023, embarking on their HSC Drama Individual Project: Design (Promotion and Program).
Suitable for Drama teachers who are looking to expand their knowledge on promotional design to mentor students through their projects and

Designer & Marketing expert Amy Goodhew (Belvoir Head of Marketing 2016-2019) will unpack the theory and practice of branding and marketing for a theatre company. Students will learn key ideas about vision, storytelling, branding and style.

This design workshop includes practical activities in design and structure, giving students the opportunity to work with an industry expert to shape ideas. During the workshop students will explore the:

  • principles of branding & style,
  • strategies for bringing promotional material to life,
  • how to capture the tone and story in marketing materials,
  • approaches to creating a program,
  • tips and tricks for getting the content required.

This workshop is intended to help you navigate promotional materials and designing programs through a practical exploration of marketing and branding tools, guided by a Belvoir artist. Artists delivering this workshop will not be providing guidance on specifics of the HSC requirement. For information on assessment requirements for your project you should consult your teacher.


Held online via Zoom
Log in details are sent to participants on the day of the workshop

TO PREPARE: Participants will need:

  • bottle/glass of water
  • a clear, flat space on which to do writing and drawing activities during the workshop
  • writing tools of choice – paper & pen or pencil, on-screen writing program (i.e Word, Google Docs, etc.)
  • a pair of scissors
  • glue stick
  • a stack of A4 paper
  • colour making tools of choice (e.g. markers, pencils, crayons)
  • printed materials (emailed to participants once you have booked)

SET UP: Participants should:

  • make sure you have a comfortable seat and a flat surface to write or draw on
  • use your real name on the Zoom platform, not a nick name
  • keep microphones on mute until it is your turn to contribute
  • be set up in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted and other people will not appear in frame during the workshop
  • have all materials ready in their workspace when the workshop commences
  • leave meeting at the end of the workshop
  • printed materials (these will be emailed to you after you have booked you place)