HSC 2024-25 | Monologue Series

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Three Monday Evenings
Monday 04 Nov
Monday 11 Nov
Monday 18 Nov
Online via Zoom
$100.00 per student (Booking fees apply)
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IP: Performance

Suitable for students commencing their HSC in Term Four 2024, embarking on their HSC Drama Individual Project: Performance

This workshop has three sessions, taking place on consecutive Monday evenings.


In this workshop series, students will delve into the essential elements of crafting an engaging monologue, with practical guidance for their Individual Project. Through a focus on key dramatic concepts—such as character, objectives, audience, conflict, stakes, and staging—students will explore effective approaches to monologue performance. They will learn to analyse texts and apply rehearsal techniques to bring their monologues to life on stage.

During the series students will be introduced to:

  • Techniques for developing physicality and vocal expression to elevate performance
  • Methods for analysing a script to uncover objectives, motivations, and actions
  • Practical tools actors can use to control nerves and performance anxiety

This workshop is intended to help you create your rehearsal practice and work with your chosen text (self-written or found) through practical exploration of acting techniques, guided by a Belvoir artist. Artists delivering this workshop will not be providing guidance on specifics of the HSC requirement. For information on your practical exam, you should consult your teacher.


Week 1    Monday, 4 November   5.00 PM-6.30 PM (1.5hrs)
Week 2    Monday, 11 November   5.00 PM-6.30 PM (1.5hrs)
Week 3    Monday, 18 November   5.00 PM-7.00 PM (2hrs)


Held online via Zoom
Log-in details are sent to participants on the day of the workshop

TO PREPARE: Participants will need:

  • bottle/glass of water
  • a clear, flat space on which to do writing activities during the workshop
  • a clear space to sit or stand in view of the camera where you can move freely during the workshop
  • writing tools of choice – paper & pen or pencil, on-screen writing program (i.e. Word, Google Docs, etc.)
  • your monologue text or a sample monologue (samples will be sent to participants after booking)

SET UP: Participants should:

  • make sure you have a comfortable seat and a flat surface to write or draw on
  • use your real name on the Zoom platform, not a nickname
  • keep microphones on mute until it is your turn to contribute
  • be set up in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted and other people will not appear in the frame during the workshop
  • have all materials ready in their workspace when the workshop commences
  • leave the meeting at the end of the workshop