FEMINAZI Accessibility Briefing Material

As a team of artists who identify as queer and/or living with disability, the company of Feminazi is committed to providing an accessible space, with opportunity for conversation outside of this brief on how we can make this show accessible to each patron’s  specific needs. 

Visually, the upstage wall and floor of the set is covered with a sheet of white fabric. A large vertical television screen is centred on the upstage wall. This screen projects image and video throughout the play. 

The floor is covered with cluttered items of trash, including bedding and clothing that are the same shade of white as the set fabric. Two white kitchen bar stools are placed on the left and right side of the back wall, and four black ring lights stands are placed in all four corners of the stage. A small, white acrylic plinth is vertically placed in front of the right stool and a large, white plinth is placed horizontally in front of the left bar stool and a small. A white plinth is placed horizontally downstage right and a tall, black tripod sits downstage centre. 

A visual image of the set and a visual description of the blocking, costumes, video, lighting and scenes can be provided on request by the company via the box office team.  A ‘touch tour’ where patrons can physically feel the set before the show can be provided pre-show via the box office team.