
Amajuba: Like
Doves We Rise

Created & directed by Yael Farber
Written by Yael Farber in collaboration with the cast

    Company B and Arts Projects Australia present a Farber Foundry production

    Amajuba: Like Doves We Rise was created from the life experiences of its five performers. They will share with you the personal details of childhoods lived in the shadow of one of the most brutal regimes of our time. South Africa is a nation with too many sorrows to recount, yet each memory recalled here tonight bears testimony to the millions of stories shaped within the apartheid divisions that will never be recounted.

    Apartheid laws affected every aspect of life in South Africa: inter-racial marriage was prohibited, employment opportunities depended on racial classification, and there were separate public facilities for whites and non-whites. A black nanny who took the white child she was looking after to the park would be unable to sit on a bench with the child.

    Yet this is an acknowledgement of the inexplicable light that has continued to burn in South Africa’s people in the face of our darkest years. It is a testament to the extraordinary spirituality present in our country, and a celebration of the fact that despite the damage, and against all odds… from the dust… like doves we rise.


    Created & directed by Yael Farber
    Lighting Designer Tim Boyd
    Stage Manager Sally Crate
    Production Coordinator (South Africa) Leigh Colombick


    Tshallo Chokwe
    Roelf Matlala
    Bongeka Mpongwana
    Philip ‘Tipo’ Tindisa
    Jabulile Tshabalala

    Amajuba images by Heidren Lohr


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